Thursday, June 23, 2011

Keep your cool

Dear Friends,

Now that the days are longer and hotter, the electric bills for many are skyrocketing. Air conditioning can be such a blessing, but using it too freely results in large electric bills. So here are some tricks for staying cool and comfortable all summer long without breaking the bank.

First, make sure your AC air filter is clean. If not, replace it so the air conditioner doesn't have to work so hard to pull air through the system. Then turn your AC up a bit. 19 degrees may feel great, but it requires a lot of electricity. To save energy, it is generally recommended to keep your summer thermostat at 26 degrees or above. One way to make 26 degrees seem cooler is to use your ceiling fans, or even floor fans, to keep the cool AC air moving through your home. Ceiling fans can shift the temperature by several degrees and may even make it possible to keep the thermostat a little higher than 26. Of course, power cuts … you can’t help.

Another way to cut costs and keep things cooler inside is to close the blinds on windows that get a lot of sun exposure. Keeping the inside shaded helps keep your home cooler. And remember, lighting your home with incandescent bulbs generates a lot of unwanted heat, so consider making the switch to energy efficient CFL bulbs or LED lighting to save money on two levels.

The summertime is our outdoor time, so get out of your house and into other cool environments during the heat of the day. Sit in a greenly garden and read under a shady tree, enjoy a movie, or visit the mall. Have a short cool shower before you go out, or better yet, go swimming. You might even pack a picnic meal and plant yourself under the shadiest tree at the park for a couple of hours. You'll save money, stay cooler and have fun.

There are also lots of great ways to keep your body cooler, whether you are inside or outside. Dress smartly for summer weather. By all means, avoid silk and synthetic, heavier cottons, and dark-colored clothing that absorb and hold heat next to your body. Investing in summer clothing made of lightweight and light-colored micro-fiber will reflect the light's rays and heat away and will keep you cooler and more comfortable.

You can also do a lot with what you choose to eat and drink. For example, eat less at mealtime, but more frequently throughout the day. Smaller meals don't need as much metabolic heat to digest. Enjoying chilled fruit is a great summertime treat that also helps lower your body temperature. And be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

If you are trying to keep the thermostat turned up this summer, give these tips a try. They work for me and I hope they will help you stay cool and comfy all summer long.

Have a great week.

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