Monday, August 29, 2011

Are you sleeping well

Recently a friend of mine, Naresh, who loves surrounding himself with all kinds of interesting new gadgets, complained to me that he was having difficulty sleeping. Looking for an explanation for his sleeplessness, I asked him if he kept technological gadgets in his bedroom. He laughed, saying that his bedroom had become the "control room" of his house. That answer told me everything I needed to know about the probable cause of his irregular sleep patterns. A lot of people don't realize it, but all of our electrical appliances and gadgets emit electromagnetic fields that have an effect on us.

The Earth, Sun, and atmospheric phenomenon, such as thunderstorms and the northern lights, all have their own electromagnetic field and our bodies are sensitive to these natural energy fields. Man-made electronics have their own electromagnetic energy fields, which can actually interfere with our connection to the natural ones. For example, I am sure that at some point in your life you were advised not to sit too close to the television or not to stand in front of the microwave while it's running. That's because electromagnetic energy from electronics can disrupt our circadian rhythms, which govern our sleep cycles.

When I mentioned these points to Naresh, I could almost see the "light bulb" going off over his head. He had completely forgotten about the negative effects of electromagnetic energy and immediately started thinking how he could transform his bedroom back into a sleeping space. The next time I saw Harry, I was very happy to learn that he was sleeping better. He shared with me what he had done to minimize the effect of electronics in his bedroom:

• He moved his electric alarm clock from the night table beside his bed to the chest of drawers across the room.

• He removed his computer, and other "fun" gadgets from the bedroom.

• He decided to keep his small television and electric fan in the room but moved them as far away from the bed as he could.

• He likes keeping his cell phone nearby, but put it on the floor by the bed to keep the electromagnetic energy below him instead of in line with his head.

Harry was convinced that these simple changes had made a big difference and that was why he was sleeping like a baby again.

I hope that you are a sound sleeper, but if not, you might want to evaluate what you can do to remove or shift the electronics in your bedroom to see if that makes a positive difference for you.

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