Saturday, July 17, 2010

Crisis management

Dear Friends,
Coping with uncertain times can leave anyone feeling vulnerable and edgy, and you are no exception. In the last few months, many have expressed their feelings of uncertainty and fearfulness about the future. It is natural to be concerned when things around you are shifting and changing rapidly, such as the activity we have recently with the stock markets, gasoline prices, and housing foreclosures.
Fortunately, we don't have to live in a state of panic when life throws us a curve. The wonderful thing about human beings is that we are resilient and resourceful. This means that, even if we don't like change, we are able to adapt to new situations and find new ways to deal with them.
My first advice about dealing with change is to breathe. It is such a simple technique but one that is tried and true. The old practice of counting to 5 or 10 while breathing deeply really does work because it fills your system with extra oxygen and drops your stress level quickly. By giving yourself a moment to breathe deeply and absorb a change in this way, you'll handle change more easily and gracefully.
It is equally important to call upon your sense of humor. When times are tough, a bit of laughter can help to lighten the load. Seek out reasons to laugh, and if you have difficulty finding them, look for them in funny movies, comic television shows, or comedy routines by your favorite comedian. Scientific studies have shown that laughter is healing for both the body and mind and, as far as I know, nobody has died from laughter.
Close friends and loved ones are another good support when times are tough. The people you are closest to can become your best support system. Building and maintaining solid and supportive relationships can make all the difference in how you weather tough times and sudden changes.
Friends, I hope that these tools for coping with life's twists and turns will help you roll with the punches when times are difficult or uncertain.
Remember to check out your Health, Wealth and Happiness frequently to remain happy………….
All the very best in all your endeavors……..

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