Saturday, July 17, 2010

Simplify things in life

Dear Friends,

Simplifying life is something I hear a lot about lately... And there is no doubt that it is a very important step that demands a concentrated effort. A while back I had an experience with a friend of mine who needed to do just that. He had taken on too much and was feeling overstressed from juggling a busy schedule and too many demands. I gave him the same advice I give to anyone: if you want to feel more in sync with life, you need to take steps to simplify it.

First, I encouraged him to prioritize his commitments and eliminate at least one. Right away, he eliminated one commitment and then later decided to let go of two more. He said he felt a little guilty at first, but in the end freeing up valuable time was a huge relief.

Next, he took stock of his rather lengthy "to-do" list. Long to-do lists can make you feel like you are drowning in a sea of work that will never end. He decided which tasks he would cross off, as well as what he could delegate to someone else or simply put on hold until later. He later told me that shortening his list had made it easier for him to complete tasks, and that gave him a feeling of accomplishment.

My friend also began to de-clutter his physical environment. Clutter creates a feeling of chaos and can prevent you from being relaxed and happy. Rather than trying to tackle the whole house at once, he chose to focus on one drawer, cabinet, or closet at a time. He only kept the things he really loved and used, and then sold, donated, or tossed the rest. By de-cluttering his space, even a little at a time, he soon created a more pleasant living space.

When I last spoke to him, he sounded much less stressed and more peaceful. He thanked me for my suggestions and said that his quality of life had greatly improved since his simplification overhaul.

I hope you will find this instance helpful.. Most of us can stand to simplify our lives to some degree or can help someone close to us who is in need of doing that.

Until next time…………….

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